Jesus our beacon of light

There are people right now in our world desperately in need of some good news. People in distress, crying out for hope, facing adversity, persecution, natural disasters, abuse and death. They wait, longing in the midst of darkness that there may be a beam of light, a word of encouragement, a message of peace, salvation. Then, in a voice that speaks their language, in a way that recognises their needs, a message is heard. A message that brings life and shows care. FEBC, our broadcasters, and our programs, are that voice.
At the time of writing to you, a popular song from the 80’s played through the radio. I found myself singing along and became inquisitive of the lyrics.
“Kyrie eleison, down the road that I must travel. Kyrie eleison, through the darkness of the night.
Kyrie eleison, where I’m going will you follow. Kyrie eleison, on a highway in the light.”
My apologies if you now have these song lyrics in your mind, but there’s a purpose for the trip down memory lane. Kyrie eleison is a Greek phrase that translates to “Lord have mercy”. These words mirrored at the time, what I was attempting to put in writing.
Lord, have mercy on our brothers and sisters and the roads they must travel. Wherever they are, through their darkest moments, we know you will follow and be their light.
We are reminded in John 1:4-5; In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome. Listeners of FEBC are introduced to a new hope offering Good News. Lives are changed and communities are transformed. My prayers and hope is that every person who hears our broadcasts and programs, feels His light and mercy cast on them, shining like a beacon amidst their darkest times.
In this issue of Skywaves, we share of our work and support of those living in persecuted countries. You will read how our bible correspondence courses and biblical teaching programs are reaching Christians eager to become disciples and leaders in a heavily persecuted world. We discuss the impact of our Women in Ministry in India and of the wonderful opportunity we have to support our Russian team expanding their broadcasting efforts to reach the most vulnerable in Europe’s poorest country, Moldova.
Friends, I urge you to please continue to pray for your persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ, especially in places facing great challenges and change. I wish I could share more openly these difficulties with you, but I cannot due to the risk to them and our people in ministry. However, I can tell you that Christians in many places are no longer able to meet together as they once did; and access to God’s Word is increasingly restricted. Let’s pray together, that even in the midst of darkness, they will continue to turn to Jesus as their beacon of light.
I am so thankful we have you partnering with us, making what we do possible.
In His Service,
Kevin Keegan
National Director, FEBC Australia