The Unreached

More than three billion people in our world have never heard about Jesus. The task of letting all hear the gospel of Jesus can look overwhelming. But with radio and other forms of media, it is not impossible. more

The Persecuted Church

In nations and communities where the persecution of Christians is severe, FEBC radio and programs on digital platforms reach and support faithful and often secret believers more

The Church in Community

The Church is uniquely placed to bring transformation to communities. Motivated by their faith, Christian groups serve their neighbours, often gaining more

Health and Justice

Jesus cares for the whole person – body, mind and soul. FEBC’s projects and partners cover a wide range of issues that aim to bring people to “life in all its fullness”. Many of our projects have a focus on health and justice. When sickness and deaths are caused by more

Displaced People

There are millions of displaced people across the world who are forced to leave their homes, families, and possessions to find sanctuary from violence, persecution and conflict. Then there are those displaced by natural disasters. more

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