In Soamvati’s rural village, financial hardships and alcoholism plague the community. Inspired by a radio program broadcast by FEBC Australia’s Partner, Soamvati formed a Self-Help Group (SHG) with 12 women, …
Saroja finds freedom from fear and superstition
Saroja’s life was once dominated by superstitions common in her culture. Everyday occurrences, such as a sneeze or spilled milk, or a black cat crossing the road, were seen as …
A Lifeline in Drought and Deluge
“After four years of devastating drought and food insecurity, no one was ready for this,” the station manager of Vox Radio, FEBC’s partner in Tana River, Kenya remarks about the lethal floods.
Reaching the Next Generation in Kazakhzstan
After decades of Soviet rule where the existence of God was denied, many youth are searching for truth and hearing the gospel for the first time in Kazakhstan.