Recently, Kevin spoke to the congregation at Caringbah Baptist Church in Sydney about the circumstances of women and young girls living in India. Upon hearing stories of them being trapped in slavery and sex trafficked from as young as the age of 12, the Church’s BeYoutiful Girls group took it upon themselves to make a difference. These young girls, who are high school students mentored through the church, initiated a “Set Them Free” car wash fundraiser. All money raised was donated to support women and girls trapped in slavery in India.
The morning was a wonderful success, with $1000 raised in just a couple of hours during a Sunday morning service.
FEBC would like to thank the girls for their incredible heart for mission and their initiative to make such a difference to the lives of women and young girls just like them in India who don’t know a life outside of poverty and slavery.

If you would like Kevin to come and speak at your church or organize a fundraising event like this, please contact Leonie Smith, our Office Coordinator on 1300 720 017.