Dear friends,
I’ve just returned from a trip to Moldova and other regions of Central Asia to visit our tremendous local teams, volunteers and leaders. Their knowledge of your love and support in the midst of difficult situations was a great blessing and encouragement to them. They in turn wanted me to share with you their gratitude for your partnership in God’s mission. Your standing with them makes a huge difference.

Kevin with Moldovan and Ukrainian team members.
Many times on this trip the people shared personal stories of the difficult circumstances they have been journeying through for some time. In Moldova, I was joined by Eduard and Inna from Ukraine. They shared about the weariness and stress caused by constant drone and missile attacks day and night; and yet their heart to serve their people in the name of Jesus remains. They know our only hope is in Christ. In Moldova, people are also anxious, and the needs are great. Yet the new young FEBC team there is changing lives and attitudes, and bringing hope, especially among the youth.
Being in Eurasia, seeing the pain and concerns in people’s faces as they seek to continue their lives reminds us that our work is not yet completed. Indeed, worldwide there are millions caught in other very difficult situations and millions yet to know the love of God and hear for the first time the Good News of Jesus.
We are in this blessed work of God’s mission together, and I pray that as you read the stories from the fields, you are humbled, comforted, encouraged and challenged.
In Jesus we can have peace, for true peace is not found in the absence of a storm but in His presence.
We see this many times in the Bible, such as when the disciples were buffeted by the waves in storms, but the moment Jesus was present the wind died down and peace of heart came (Matthew 14:32, Mark 4:39). In Psalm 4, David was running for his life and, despite the extremely painful and fearful circumstances, he claimed he “will lie down in peace” because God makes him dwell in safety. In beautiful Psalm 23, God has green pastures in His presence.
Genuine peace is only found in a relationship with God through Christ. And so, our desire, through media, is to make Him known; to not only be God’s peace-bringers but peacemakers. For when we go into areas of conflict to bring resolution, we are peacemakers. When we go into impoverished communities to bring about God’s kingdom and justice, we are peacemakers. When we, despite challenges, pray, share and give to inspire others to be reconciled with Jesus, we are peacemakers. That is what we are called to be: peacemakers.
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” (Matthew 5:9)
Thus, with a heart like yours for others, I share with you the stories in the July/August Skywaves. Be blessed.
In His service,
Kevin Keegan
National Director, FEBC Australia