FEBC Russia brings hope to millions

Director of FEBC Russian Ministries, Victor Akhterov recently shared some inspiring data and testimonies he and the team have received.

Over the past 12 months, Victor and the team have received over half a million messages, written letters and comments through social media along with almost 1500 phone calls. Victor shares “We are investing more time and resources now to connect listeners to local churches to ensure that they are growing spiritually. We distributed more than 4,000 radios and have held many workshops and information evenings for new Christians. Whether they were former prostitutes, Muslims or suffering debilitating depression, God has brought them to us and we have welcomed them with open arms.”

What better to way to show how God is working in the lives of thousands of people in Russia and abroad, than to share these incredible testimonies.

Elena, in Kazakhstan

I found your program by accident, and my life was revolutionized. I don’t know what is happening, but I feel that suddenly God stepped into my daily existence and everything will be different now. Now the Bible study is part of my life, and I am becoming alive. I still don’t know how all the issues in my life will resolve, but I now believe that God will not leave me, but instead, He’ll help me. I am especially grateful that you responded to me personally, and even suggested a church in my city, where I can go. Thank you for your support and prayers.”

“I am a single Mother. I am worried my teenage son is becoming an alcoholic. I began listening to you (and) have I accepted Christ - and He’s my everything now. I only wish I did it twenty years ago, I would have avoided so many mistakes. I believe that God has a plan for my son’s life as well. If He loves me that much, I know He loves my little boy as well. God is saving people throughout Russia and Ukraine, and your prayer support means a great deal for us. We see your prayers being answered every day.”

Anna, in Moscow

Tatiana, in Siberia

“I am amazed at the depth of wisdom I hear on your station every day, especially on the family program. I’ve learned so much from you in just one year. I never thought that God can be so interested in our lives.”

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