The Malawian team continues its mission of sharing the message of Jesus through radio broadcasts and inspirational listener meetings.
When visiting Balaka, the team had a wonderful time with members of listener clubs in Ulongwe. They had the opportunity to distribute many wind-up radios, share the word of God, and pray together with all who attended.
Over 220 listener clubs have now been created here and more than 90 hearts were led to Christ.
The team also travelled to Ntcheu and spent time with the Senzani leadership group, training them and giving them resources for their listener clubs in the hope of raising more disciples to share the gospel.
One of the leaders, Mama Lamya had this to say, “Today I am very grateful to hold a radio in my hands which will inspire many Yao people, including members of Islam in my village. I was born and raised a Muslim. My husband used to be a Sheikh.
I did not know who Jesus Christ was until I was introduced to the 'Way of Life' program. As I started listening I began to trust in Him as my Saviour. Now I share this knowledge and love with others as we gather together each Friday to listen to your programs. Bless you.”
Pastor Amos shares: “It filled my heart with so much joy to see so many of the Yao people accepting radios, Bibles, and other resources so they can continue to read and hear the Word of God. It will be our privilege to continue to connect with them as they come to Christ and begin their journey of faith.”