Over 300 Christians are killed every month for their faith while millions more suffer persecution on a daily basis. These are the places where followers of Christ must keep their beliefs hidden and where living the gospel means facing beatings, imprisonment, discrimination and abuse. Despite persecution, Christians are daring to demonstrate the life-changing reality of the Kingdom of God.
In some of the most religiously intolerant nations in the world, where the persecution of Christians is often severe, it is FEBC radio and internet that reaches and supports faithful believers.

Online bible correspondence programs are crucial for Christians living in persecuted countries and FEBC plays an integral part in educating and growing disciples, pastors and leaders in these regions.
Brother F* is enrolled in an FEBC online course in his country. Unfortunately due to security reasons, we cannot name the program or his country of origin. However, FEBC continues to provide biblical training to students here through short-wave, smartphone apps, USB drives and SD cards. We share Brother F’s testimony as a wonderful encouragement to you, our supporters, and a confirmation of our promise to broadcast the Good News until ‘all have heard’.
“God called me to serve Him as a Pastor, but I was inadequate in many areas. I needed training and growth but my own study and research led to little improvement. It is very difficult to discuss my faith and learning here, but with my pastor’s encouragement I enrolled in FEBC's online Bible program. The teachings have benefited me greatly and my heart is full of joy. God had disciplined me, and helped me understand His desire for me to overcome my weaknesses with prayer, trust, and learning. I listen to my classes on the way to work through your online apps. The courses within the Bible program have helped me greatly, and I know that this is just the beginning.”
Unfortunately, changes are sweeping through Brother F's country that we cannot disclose—changes that affect our brothers and sisters in Christ and the very faith they believe in. Despite this, we know that FEBC radio and online programs can cross all borders and barriers and has been doing so for almost 75 years.

Please pray that these believers will not only stay committed to the call of Christ but also will respond in love to the evil shown by their aggressors. Pray God’s love will open doors to share the Gospel even more.