Download the latest issue of Skywaves and Praise & Prayer

For 80 years, FEBC worldwide has been using the media to reach the unreached with the gospel of Jesus Christ in their heart languages. And FEBC Australia has been a part of this ministry for 60 years.

We thank God for choosing us to partner with Him in His Great Commission. By His grace, we are now in 50 countries, broadcasting in 150 languages.

Our teams share the gospel in closed countries where missionaries cannot reach. They are also in conflict and disaster areas to provide assistance and share the gospel despite the dangers.

In our newsletter, you will find stories from the fields around the world. We pray that you will be encouraged by what God is doing through FEBC.

The prayer guide gives praise for what God is doing and highlights prayer needs around the world, including places we currently do not operate in. The prayer points reflect the work of God through the larger FEBC family, and may contain points for projects not directly sponsored by FEBC Australia.

"How then are they to call on Him in whom they have not believed? How are they to believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how are they to hear without a preacher?" (Romans 10:14)

FEBC lives to let them hear. We thank you for your partnership and know that together, we can let them hear!

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