"I listen to the Hope and Encouragement program every day with my husband. We work in a rubber tree farm and listen to the program. Wherever I go to work I will bring the radio with me. The program is very good. It gives me knowledge and encouragement and makes me feel better.” - FEBC Listener
"I am glad to hear the truth about who Jesus is in my own tongue. Since I lived much of my life without knowing Him, I did things that were not right. When I listened to the radio and learned about Jesus, I was shocked! I received Him as my Saviour and will continue to tune into your programs." - FEBC Listener

"I listen to the program every day. I‘ve never missed any. It is very encouraging."FEBC Listener
"I listen to the program every day. I‘ve never missed any. It is very encouraging. I am the only one Christian in my village. There are many things that disturb my feeling. There are also quite a number of problems. I want some books to read in order to gain some heart friend, encouragement and some ideas. I seldom go to church. My house is very far from the church, about 400 km. And I cannot leave my mother to stay home alone for long time. I have to look after her. She is 88 years old. At home we live with sufficient living philosophy. I grow vegetables for our own cooking and give some to the neighbours. Thanks to the programmer and your team for all encouragement!" - FEBC Listener