The Unreached

More than 3.4 billion people or 42.4% of the world's population have never heard about Jesus.

The task of letting all hear looks overwhelming, but it is not impossible. Radio and other media are some of the most effective ways to bring the Good News to people in hardest-to-reach places.

The unreached include:

  • People groups who occupy the inaccessible mountain regions of China, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar & Thailand – that’s why shortwave radio is still so important.
  • Those living in nations or communities closed to the gospel or hostile to Christianity. In these places, the persecution of Christians is often severe. Praise God for FEBC internet apps and church by radio!
  • Farmers who live in poverty and remain untouched by globalisation and technology.
  • The marginalised and forgotten. FEBC provides radios to brothels so the women can tune in to broadcasts that edify women, to help them out of sex trafficking.
  • Those in poverty. FEBC broadcasts education and training to empower individuals to set up businesses for economic choice
  • The illiterate, the blind, the deaf. FEBC develops innovative ways to reach them. In a Southeast Asian country where Christianity is restricted, FEBC uses TV Boxes for the deaf, and also to train church leaders in Bible studies. The children are eager to watch animated Christian programs!
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