Yemen is the poorest country in the Arab World and its people are suffering in a dreadful war that’s been raging for over two years.
In the midst of this conflict, radio programs are reaching thousands with God’s promise of peace and hope. The Christian minority in Yemen is a beacon of light in very dark times. Believers gather to hear informative and encouraging content produced and broadcast through The Yemen Project. Our work with partners and communities in the Middle East uses media as a vehicle of change. Our broadcasts inspire the church, inform and disciple all listeners, and address contemporary issues from a biblical perspective.
Supporting the Yemeni persecuted church, the Yemen Project, grows followers through radio broadcasts, online materials and social media. Radio is extremely important as it communicates safely God’s message of love, forgiveness and peace. Listeners have complete anonymity, and our programs are reaching out to isolated and vulnerable believers which is particularly important in these times of conflict.
Broadcasts come into Yemen through daily 90-minute shortwave programs via several online streaming platforms and content is also linked to a Facebook page. The team working outside the country respond to listener’s calls and online messages. When appropriate and considered safe to do so, listeners are connected with team members in Yemen, enabling them to have access to a Bible, be baptised and join a church. The team involved are also trained counsellors who develop long-lasting relationships with listeners as they walk with them through their encounters with the Christian faith and persecution.
They feel isolated and fearful. It can be a very lonely faith journey and existence. So often, we’ve heard from listeners who believed they were the only Christian in the country – it’s an enormous encouragement for them when they tune in and realise they’re in fact, not alone.Broadcaster, name withheld for protection.
Each year FEBC invests into Yemen so that marginalised Yemeni believers can demonstrate the love of God to their fellow countrymen. We help them handle everyday Yemeni issues such as children’s health, women’s rights and ongoing conflict from a Christian perspective. Secret house churches are set up in the vicinity of Yemen to record and broadcast encouragement for hidden believers.
The cost of serving the Yemeni people is high because security issues mean extra care has to be taken to protect the producers and their families as they go about their important work.
The programs also have to be broadcast into Yemen from outside the country, which requires more expensive shortwave radio technology. Before the conflict in 2015, there was a growing online population in Yemen, and listener feedback indicates that as hostilities decrease and infrastructure improves, internet radio and online tools will become increasingly important. In response, the team are developing web-based materials and smartphone applications alongside the radio programming to build an online user base.

Your support can help make sure words of love and enduring hope continue to be shared into Yemen. Pray for the broadcasts that reach Christians here, who must often meet in underground churches to worship. Pray that the words they hear will sustain their hearts and increase their faith in Christ. Together, we can ensure that the hidden Christian communities are supported, encouraged and enabled to live their lives with Jesus as the centre.