Your gift warms hearts this Christmas particularly the unreached, and those displaced by disasters or conflict. FEBC provides support through essentials, emergency medical supplies and counselling during crises such as conflict or disasters be it the recent Indonesian earthquake or the Cyclones in Malawi earlier this year or the ongoing war in Ukraine.
See below for Direct Deposit Gifts
BSB: 032-151
Account No: 360931
Email: office@febc.org.au
Please read the "how to" below. Thank you
Use the details above to make a direct deposit from your bank account then email us to let us know. Please include your full name and address in the email.
“I disliked anyone who was Christian, and all Christian radio programs. As a soldier. I monitored all Christian programs with the aim of putting the hosts in jail. Day by day, God revealed His truth through the radio I was listening to. That began my journey with God. I finally accepted Christ. Today I am studying the Bible and all my children are Christians.”