FEBC's Ethnic Languages of Southeast Asia (ELSEA) ministry reaches 19 diverse people groups across six countries. We create customised Christian programs, weaving the Gospel into the unique cultural and linguistic fabric of each community. Our methods include in-person meetings, radio broadcasts, events, training and digital resources like apps. We empower local leaders to share the Gospel in their own heart languages, reaching remote villages and marginalised communities. This holistic approach addresses both spiritual and practical needs, transforming lives and building the Church in Southeast Asia.
See below for Direct Deposit Gifts
Direct Deposit
BSB: 032-151
Account No: 360931
PayID (ABN): 68000509517
Email: office@febc.org.au
Instructions below
Use the details above to make a direct deposit from your bank account then email us to let us know. Please include your full name and address in the email.
“I found your shortwave station while trying to tune in my radio. I’ve never heard before such content in my mother tongue…listening about Jesus in my local language is amazing! I love Him, I pray to Him and now I walk with Him.”