3.3 billion people are still unreached with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. These are the hard to reach places or places where Christian missionaries cannot tread. Many of the unreached live in poor and marginalised communities.
Your monthly giving provides relief to the unreached, putting the Gospel in action.
Your practical help gives the chance for men and women to live out their God-given potential.
See below for Direct Deposit Gifts
BSB: 032-151
Account No: 360931
PayID: 68000509517
Email: office@febc.org.au
Use the details above to make a direct deposit from your bank account then email us to let us know. Please include your full name and address in the email.
“I found your shortwave station while trying to tune in my radio. I’ve never heard before such content in my mother tongue…listening about Jesus in my local language is amazing! I love Him, I pray to Him and now I walk with Him.”