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One of the most critical tools for reaching the unreached is shortwave radio. It can reach one-third of the way around the globe and, although opposing authorities endlessly try, it’s almost impossible to jam or block the signals.
Maung lives in a nation where Christians have been killed, churches attacked. Believers driven from their homes and forced to take refuge in churches or camps for internally displaced people. Yet one day, while flipping through the channels on his radio, he was astonished to hear a broadcaster speaking in his own language. The message was astonishing, too—There is hope for this life and a chance to share eternity with God. You have a saviour in Jesus Christ who died for you. You are loved and forgiven.
Maung’s life would never be the same. The shortwave radio broadcasts that introduced Maung to Jesus set forth a chain of events that are truly heaven-sent. You see, Maung could not contain his excitement about the Gospel message he’d heard. So he told his neighbours about the teachings that were very different from Buddhism. They cautioned him about the danger of listening to Christian messages—especially since Maung was the caretaker of their local Buddhist shrine.
But not long after, Maung’s house burned to the ground. He lost everything. Devastated and confused, he prayed the only way he knew how . . . and what may have been his first prayer, “God of the radio, I have heard your messages and have tried to follow what I have heard. Why has this evil befallen me? Please send [someone] to explain these things.”
The very next day, two men rode through Maung’s village on bicycles. The day was hot and humid, and they were very thirsty, so they stopped to ask for a drink of water.
It was Maung who served them and asked where they were headed. The men shared that they were associated with FEBC, then added, “We are Christian evangelists, and we’re on our way to preach the Gospel along the Indian border.”
Astonished, Maung exclaimed, “Yesterday, I prayed to the ‘God of the radio’ to send [someone] and today, here you are!” Right then, Maung accepted Christ as his saviour, and today, he is a pastor!
Maung’s story is deeply moving because it shows how God works all things together for His purposes—including using FEBC’s shortwave radio broadcasts to reach the unreached, to bring them to faith in Jesus Christ.
“I found your shortwave station while trying to tune in my radio. I’ve never heard before such content in my mother tongue…listening about Jesus in my local language is amazing! I love Him, I pray to Him and now I walk with Him.”