Dear friends,
Let me start with a question – what are you doing for eternity?
God has given to each of us a key role in His kingdom ministry, and each role, each part of the body of Christ is important. As partners in mission together we each have a special task, calling, and place, in God’s redemptive work in this world.
You will read in our May/June edition of Skywaves about FEBC teams around the world unflinchingly sharing the Gospel, despite personal costs. You will read testimonies of people changed by the Good News, as words touch hearts and transform lives. Their momentary circumstances may not have changed, but their focus has; to the eternal hope in Jesus. You will read how God’s love expressed through team visits, acts of kindness, prayers, and provision of food, is making lasting changes to communities and attitudes.
In this, I pray, your hearts will lift and be inspired as you see God remains sovereign and is powerfully at work in our world today.
I also pray that you are encouraged, and take joy in the privilege you have in sharing in God’s mission in the world. Through your giving and crying out to God in prayer, you too are building for eternity.
The ravages of war, recent COVID, floods, and fires, make it clear that in these end times this world is uncertain, fragile and in need. Yet we do not need to despair nor abandon our world. Instead, we speak into it the Good News of Jesus, our hope that does not disappoint; whilst looking to our Lord who will return and who has prepared an eternal home for those who love Him.
Ecclesiastes 3:11 says, “He (God) has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.”
God has set eternity in our hearts! So, I ask myself, and share with you the same question — what are we doing for eternity?
In His Service
Kevin Keegan
National Director, FEBC Australia