Christmas is over, 2019 is underway.

You will read many stories worthy of praise in this Summer edition. Yet we still must reflect on the continuing need that exists in our world.
There are many still waiting to hear the good news of a God who loves them so much He gave them His Son; the good news that in Jesus they can know for the first time a life of hope not fear; the good news that they are special, valued and priceless.
Not long ago I received a text message that was both heartwarming and heartbreaking. I had just returned from India where I had attended a training event for our broadcasters and programmers. The teams meet to train and collaborate in order to address topics and issues that impact their communities. The areas of need can seem overwhelming: child marriage, child labour, child sacrifice, female fertility, dowry, black magic, witchcraft, lack of girl education and sex trafficking.
So I was thrilled to receive this message that explained how such a broadcast, developed not long after that training event, had helped a young girl escape from sex trafficking. Vigilant listeners had heard the education program about the signs to watch out for if a girl or child is being trafficked against her will, and acted with police help.
What a joy to know that our training is bearing fruit, and as a result our broadcasts are saving lives transforming attitudes and releasing captives – all made possible through your funding. Your support is making a difference.
Stories like this impact me, stir me, continue to motivate and challenge me. I pray they do for you also. This story was especially important to me because I have five granddaughters. Every time I look at them I am burdened by the girls in India, girls who through no fault of their own suffer discrimination, abuse and worse. It breaks my heart. Even more so the heart of God.
So to be a part of a mission that not only reaches people and gives hope and new life amidst despair, but also prevents and mobilises communities to care for girls and young women is amazing.
To see young girls with dusty, dirty faces, tears on their cheeks is humbling, heartbreaking, and affronting. They look at you saying thank you for being a part of their release – and yet it is not me they are thanking in reality, but you. Each one of you who have made these programs possible.
Each of these girls are made in the image of God, and each deserve the future He made them for. However, we live in a broken world, and that is why continuing to make the Good News known is so important.
We all have a role to play in making known God’s salvation. Salvation is about release, about being rescued, about recovery and freedom. Yet how can they know?
This is why I serve this great mission because FEBC is letting them hear – and this is why I want to keep challenging you to pray and to give; because through FEBC, God is changing lives. Through you, God is changing lives.
So, yes, Christmas is over, and the bills come in; however I pray amidst it all you will take time to be challenged in the ways God wants to use you to keep bringing the gift of His Good News to a hurting and hungry world.
‘How can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?’ – Romans 10:14
Kevin Keegan
National Director, FEBC Australia