It’s the image of an entire village huddled around a radio that never fails to humble me. This is why I am so thankful for the mission of FEBC and our partnership together sharing the Good News.
For those living in remote, restricted or persecuted regions, the shortwave programs heard on that one, single radio is their Church. It becomes their only means of spiritual nourishment and the way they’ve come to know and experience God’s love.
There are many wonderful stories but also as many deep and desperate needs among the millions who are still waiting to hear the name of Jesus for the first time.
Without disclosing the country or location, allow me to describe the enormous effort and heart of our teams as they connect with marginalised communities. Imagine a people group surrounded by 19 towering mountain peaks that are breathtaking to behold yet, almost impossible to cross. Almost two million people live here but sadly, most have never heard the name of Jesus in their own heart language.
“During the night I switch on the radio to listen to your programs. I cannot wait until that time comes, because I love listening to this little radio – to the songs, to the teachings – that is my church. This is how I came to know and believe in Jesus Christ. I have never met a Christian, all I know I have learned from your broadcasts. Thank you.”FEBC Listener
When ministering to ethnic minorities, their remote locations are one of the biggest barriers. Neighbours seen from afar cannot be reached without navigating dangerous terrains.
Radio is one of the few safe ways for the unreached, marginalised and persecuted to hear God’s word. Our shortwave programs are broadcast daily from outside these treacherous regions and heard through a wind up or solar radio. We are providing a spiritual lifeline and friendly voice for faithful believers.
When I reflect on Easter, I think of God’s incredible sacrifice of love for all – including those yet to hear: “For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.” (John 3:16-17)
I am thankful for FEBC, and the sacrifices and extraordinary lengths our field teams go to in order to put radios into the hands of the unreached to Let Them Hear the transforming power of the Gospel.
The love and commitment I witness among our field teams to overcome barriers and persevere, in order to share the good news, is inspiring. Their efforts are rewarded by God every day as we receive testimony after testimony of changed lives.
We are overcoming the barriers. Not only for the unreached but also for the persecuted and marginalised Christians living in some of the most religiously intolerant places on earth.

On Easter Sunday, we as Christians come together to celebrate and give thanks for the new life won for us through Christ’s resurrection.
Yet for millions, this joy is still unknown.
Through Him, FEBC can speak into the lives of millions more people that are yet to hear the Good News and that, for me, is a powerful driving force to work even harder to reach the unreached.