Dear friends,
As I reflect on the incredible journey we've shared over the past 14 years, my heart is filled with a mix of emotions. It is with both a heavy heart and a sense of anticipation that I write my final Skywaves message and say farewell.
The past 14 years have been an extraordinary chapter of my life. Together, we've faced challenges, celebrated victories, and most importantly, witnessed lives transformed through the power of God's love and our collective dedication. The impact we've made, the lives we've touched, and the love we've shared are testimonies of God’s great faithfulness and the mission's purpose.

Kevin as Chairman of FEBC International from 2010-2014.
I count it a privilege that I had the opportunity to serve as International Chairman for 4 years during a time when our present FEBC International Association was forged, and the new Charter written and agreed to by all. What a joy to work collaboratively with many fine Christian leaders, some of whom are already now in glory.
It has also been an honour and a joy to work alongside faithful team members in Australia, from people such as David and Mari, Les and Sandy, Ric, Jenny, Mary - the list goes on and on - until today and our present team. Together God has blessed FEBC to enlarge our impact in the world, double our overseas giving, and expand the awareness of FEBC in Australia.
I want to express my deepest gratitude to each one of you – staff, volunteers, donors, partners, and prayer supporters – who have made this journey possible and extraordinary. Philippians 1:3-11 comes to mind. Your unwavering commitment, boundless compassion, faithfulness, love, and tireless efforts have been and remain the driving force behind FEBC's success.
While my role as National Director is coming to an end, my love for God’s kingdom mission and the people it serves remains steadfast. I am confident that FEBC Australia will continue to thrive under new leadership, and I will be excited to see how this incredible work unfolds.
As I step into a new chapter of my life, I carry with me memories of lives transformed, prayers offered, and dreams realised. I have faith that our paths will cross again, and I eagerly anticipate hearing about the continued impact of FEBC’s kingdom work across the world.
Thank you for being a part of this remarkable journey with me. I leave with a heart full of gratitude, a spirit of anticipation, and a prayer that God's grace will continue to guide and bless FEBC abundantly.
In Christ's love and with heartfelt gratitude,
Kevin Keegan
National Director, FEBC Australia