Saroja finds freedom from fear and superstition

Saroja's life was once dominated by superstitions common in her culture. Everyday occurrences, such as a sneeze or spilled milk, or a black cat crossing the road, were seen as omens of impending doom. And adverse life events set up the expectation of future pain and sorrow.

In April 2010, five months after her marriage Saroja’s husband, a Marketing Executive at a leading cellular company, was involved in a terrible accident. From this point on the month of April brought the expectation of fear which sadly for Saroja was reinforced by unexpected events.

In April 2013, Saroja gave birth to her first son, however her joy was short-lived as her son fell seriously ill and had to be hospitalised, and Saroja and her family were forced to vacate their home.

In April 2015, her second son was born, yet soon after one of her sons fell from the roof and sustained injuries. For Saroja the month of April represented suffering and misfortune.

But one day, Saroja discovered our radio program. It sparked a glimmer of hope, and she reached out to our helpline. Intrigued and hopeful, Saroja listened repeatedly to the program, and eventually conversed with a compassionate counsellor who introduced her to Jesus Christ.

Today, Saroja and her family live lives free from the crippling impact of superstition, filled with the hope and joy that only Christ can bring. Her transformation is a powerful reminder of the life-changing work God does through us as we work together with our faithful Partners abroad.

Please join us in prayer for the millions still trapped in superstitions. With your unwavering support, we will continue to share the life-changing message of Christ through media, bringing freedom to individuals and their families.

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