“I am the only Christian in my family, in my village, in the area. I have no hymn book, no Bible, no other fellowship but the radio station.” This was the most common message Pat May received on postcards from India when she volunteered in FEBC Philippine’s office in 1990.
Radio can travel where people cannot
Message after message, the long-time partner of FEBC read about lives transformed as they came to the saving grace of Jesus through radio. “I was very privileged to answer those letters, to encourage them to keep trusting God. It was a very special thing for me and a lifelong memory.”
Pat May reflects, “radio can go where people can’t. It doesn’t have any physical barriers. And when people hear it in their own language, they get very excited about that. God can use it. He uses His Word. It is just a blessing.”

Pat May interviewing FEBC staff Cherylyn on Esperance’s 103.9FM.
Jesus is the only hope
So convinced of the value of radio to bring people to God’s saving grace that Pat May is now a broadcaster on Esperance’s 103.9 HopeFM! And why is Pat May so passionate about saving souls? She shares with conviction:
“If you look at the world today, what is the alternative? It’s a ghastly place. Satan seems to reign supreme. It’s horrible. There is no hope. People are hopeless. People are dying without hope. They are taking their own lives. There are mental health issues all around. It’s because Satan is a hard taskmaster.”
“But Jesus came to set the captives free, to give sight to the blind, healing to the deaf. He came to liberate people into salvation. That’s the most important thing, whether it’s by radio or the written page, or somebody speaking, it is so important.”
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