In many parts of the world, radio is still the only medium people have that connects them together and speaks directly into their lives in their heart languages. Radio is a critical lifeline that addresses the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of millions of people.
After more than 75 years of ministry, through our dedicated FEBC Field Teams, God is still using radio and other media broadcasts as a powerful means to change lives and transform communities in the most oppressed and hardest-to-reach corners of the globe.
Every day, FEBC’s mission radio broadcasts are reaching the persecuted, enslaved, and impoverished, the least reached and unreached who, because of political, physical, or geographical boundaries, are unlikely to hear the Gospel in any other way.

Our programs are not only reaching thousands of new listeners but are coming to them in their own heart language. Many have never heard the name of Jesus until they tune into a mission broadcast. Yet, as they hear these words in their mother tongue, their lives are forever changed.
We’re excited to share an initiative with you. During April, you may hear more of FEBC on your local Christian radio station. We’ve partnered with several stations around the country to share the work of FEBC through a project called Going Global.
For an entire week in April, FEBC projects and ministry work will be extensively promoted to give Christians a greater understanding of the incredible work of our field countries. Field managers from around the globe will be exclusively interviewed as they share testimonies and stories of hope.
We are called to communicate the Good News to those who need it most. God has challenged us to do more and go further, and He has encouraged us to grow the number of people with whom we share our work and mission.
We have embarked on a campaign to provide even more radios to support the incredible work of specific field countries – Indonesia, Mongolia, Philippines, Ukraine and Cambodia. In this issue we share how radios continue to change lives and make an impact in these countries and why now, more than ever, radios are such a vital part of FEBC’s ministry.