The COVID-19 pandemic has enforced many restrictions this year, particularly on church attendance and gatherings. The team in Indonesia has been creative in the way they are connecting people so they can continue to meet, albeit a little differently.
Listener gatherings have been moved to the Zoom platform, and now, more people are meeting more often, from more places around the nation! The teams are connecting listeners with a small group via Zoom to discuss the teachings and ideas they’ve heard on the radio.
The provinces in Indonesia where these groups began are home to some of the largest unreached people groups in the world and now many are connecting online! Listeners from all religious backgrounds are participating and discovering with the option of anonymity.
“I’m so happy to join this online group. I am still part of the majority religion (Islam), but I now understand more about Jesus. Sometimes I worry about how my family would react, but these online group meetings have calmed my heart.”
Many listeners have also expressed a desire to return to worship at church to feel God’s presence and connect as a community. The team in Samarinda City has listened.
In November, Heartline FM in collaboration with local churches created a COVID-safe way for church attendance and worship – launching the first “drive-in” church. Hundreds of cars gathered packed with families who simultaneously tuned into Heartline Radio to worship together.
A stage was set up and as the pastor said “Amen”, the entire car park sounded their horns. This wonderful example of partnership shows how FEBC is working diligently regardless of the circumstances to empower and mobilise churches so Christian families can continue to gather in worship.
We praise God for their innovation and creativity to share the Gospel with so many hearts eager to hear it during these times of restriction. A Heartline team member so beautifully reflected: “The pandemic is not an excuse to stop our longing to praise God. We are here in the present and we are creatively finding new ways for people to worship together through radio and other digital platforms.”
“I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently find me” (Proverbs 8:17).