Making a Way Where There Seems None

Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit” - Matthew 28:9 

This is the Great Commission Jesus gave to all Christians to fulfill, and this is what FEBC is doing through media. The Greek word for nations is ἔθνη’ (ethnē). It refers to ethnic groups, not nations as drawn out by political boundaries.  

The Mien is one such ethnē. Originally from China, now spread across China, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Denmark, France, and United States. They believe in Spiritism, ancestral worship, and Taoism. 

The Mien only have a spoken language. Any written language is borrowed from Chinese characters. This is where FEBC’s broadcasts become critical for them to hear the Good News. At least 1,000 Mien in China have come to Christ because of FEBC’s broadcasts in their language! 

Christians in communist Laos and Vietnam face intense persecution from the state and their own families 

Persecution and Imprisonment 

Soldiers raid houses and make false accusations to try to silence believers. Despite persecution, the Mien Christians are fervent to share about God. 

I knew God because I listened to FEBC radio when the radio Pastor taught us God’s story. I listened to the program every day. Everybody in the village also listened. I received Christ as my Saviour. 

“When we believe in God, the policemen or the government officials come and persecute us very hard. I had to flee to live in the jungle. There were times when the policemen came while I was teaching the Bible and I could not run away. I have been put in prison three times.  

But I’ve never stopped teaching the Bible to the new believers living near me. The policemen threatened me many times. So, I prayed for God to bring me to stay with a believer in another village. My husband followed me later with the children and I lost three of my children at that time. Then God led my husband to believe in Jesus at the same time with my children. In this village, we have been charged again many times, but we haven’t been put in prison.  

I kept bringing more people to know Jesus and the church is growing.” – Ms Y.L., Laos  

But God turns everything around for good for those who love Him and are called to His purpose (Romans 8:28). There’s even a Saul to Paul account!

“In the past, I joined the Laos military. I disliked anyone who was Christian, and all Christian radio programs. I monitored all Christian programs, waiting for the day to put them in jail. Day by day, God presented Himself through the radio as I listened. God revealed His truth in His Word. The Scriptures teach that God is love; God is a healer. That was the beginning of my journey with God. When I left my soldier career and got a new job in another province in Thailand, I accepted Christ with Mien people.” - Mien listener, Laos

Rivers in the Desert 

The odds are high. But spirits are even higher. God has been making a roadway in the wilderness, rivers in the desert. (Isaiah 43:19) He has been pouring out His love and truth through FEBC’s broadcasts via shortwave radio and websites. Now another new thing:  live streaming through social chats and social media. Facebook posts regularly get more than 10,000 views. 

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