Helping Hands in Action: Mongolia Mother Care Program

FEBC Mongolia broadcasts a daily “Mom program” throughout Mongolia. The target audience are mothers and housewives with program content focused around providing support, self-development and encouragement for mothers while taking care of their babies at home. Part of the program includes a volunteer-run “momcare” initiative, coordinated by the program hostesses.

Every Friday these ladies set out to meet some of the regular listeners in their homes, and offer help in looking after their babies while their mother’s take often much needed rest. This also gives our hostesses an opportunity to get to know the listeners better and talk to them about the work of FEBC.


Ganhaich (33y) is one of the new mothers they recently visited. She has 6 children and her husband works on a construction site from morning to late night to provide for his family. Sometimes he also does night shifts.

Since her husband is away a lot for work, Ganhaich is often left alone to look after her big family. There is no time for much needed rest after the delivery of her youngest child. When the FEBC station ladies visited her, Ganhaich was able to take some rest; the ladies did some laundry and cleaning for her, fed the older children and nursed the baby. After spending some time speaking with her, they discovered that Ganhaich had never heard about Jesus. While they shared the Good News with her, they also explained how this volunteering is part of their Christian stewardship towards others. The ladies also advised Ganhaich about other FEBC family radio programs that could be beneficial for her.

She accepted their prayers for her and her family. Let us all pray for her and for the Lord to give the seed its growth.

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