
    When God came down to be with us as one of us, He chose to come as a helpless babe, reliant on Mary and Joseph to provide for Him. Yet there was no mistaking who He was. The tiny baby was the Wonderful Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace, prophesized of by Isaiah. By the time Jesus was twelve, He was preaching in the temple. Such wisdom from a small child was unexpected by society; but not by God. 

    God esteemed children. “... Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these” (Luke 18:16). Catching God’s heartbeat for children, FEBC Philippines has a program where children reach out to children. 

    • "Okiddo!" on the road.

    • "Okiddo!" is FEBC Philippine’s radio program from kids for kids.

    Introducing ‘Okiddo’, a 4/14 radio program for kids, by kids! ‘4/14’ refers to ages 4-14. In missiology, this is the best time to reach someone with the Good News of Jesus. Most adult Christians heard about Jesus whilst in this age group. 

    On ‘Okiddo’, ‘kiddos’ enjoy music, funny jokes, trivia, interviews, prayer, and Bible stories dramatized by kids. ‘Okiddo’ exists to let every Filippino child hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And true to FEBC’s strategy, what better way to reach a people group than to have peers share to peers? Nine-year-old program host Mica agrees: “It’s important that kids be involved in a kids’ show because kids understand it more.” 

    • Child host dramatizing a Bible story.

    • Child host dramatizing a Bible story.

    The award-winning weekly program on 702 DZAS (AM Band), Facebook, and GCTV ASIA Cable Channel 185 reaches 500,000 listeners in the Philippines.  
    • ‘Okiddo!’ exists to let every child in the Philippines hear the Gospel, including young fans Elzar ...

    • ... and Skyler, pictured here.

    The most important thing for the volunteer child hosts is to make God’s story known to their peers. “I’m part of Okiddo because I want to share the Gospel and Good News to the children who don’t know Him yet,” Mica shares, “I feel blessed.” Beatrice puts it simply: “I think I should share God with others because that is what a human’s role in the world is. It doesn’t matter if you are a kid, you are an adult.” She prays, “God, please help our programs to touch their (listeners’) lives and turn them to you.

    Help children know their part in God's story. Donate now. 

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