“For college graduation, my parents got me a new phone. I’ve always wanted one with an FM tuner so what I got was a basic phone with that wish come true; an upgrade from my basic phone without radio. Only upon surfing for stations to put on my favorites list did I chance upon DZFE98.7 and that was the real ‘grad gift’ I received that day because it ended up being at the top of my favorites list. Throughout the time I was reviewing for the board exams, I would only strictly tune in to DZFE98.7 because listening to the music of the masters and the Master’s Word became my source of inspiration to persevere in my studies despite many forces around me dragging me down to a life of mediocrity I just seemed to get used to and accepted. When classical music played, I blocked off all noises around me and focused on reviewing for the boards. When there would be devotional breaks, prayers, and talks in between, I block off all the noises in me and focus on God’s message for me at that moment, on that day, in my life. With only ONE month of studying in between graduation and our board exams, I didn’t think I could make it.
But as days go by, with the guidance of the Lord and His reassurance through His word on your station, I got more than the peace, clarity, and wisdom I was praying for. Whenever I’m tuned in and studying, I truly feel His presence. By His grace and for His glory, I was able to take the board exam (Nutritionist-Dietitian Licensure Examination) last August 20-21 and the results were released last August 25. I not only passed the boards, I even topped it! I brag not the achievement but God’s grace and mercy truly at work in our lives and it is my greatest honor to be humbled down and be a testament of His greatness! I wasn’t 100% ready and found the exam difficult, my writing hand was swollen during the exam days and even holding the pencil was a chore, and most of all, I have lived through college in sin, apathy, mediocrity, and ways unbecoming of a woman of God. While I was reviewing, I was also undergoing spiritual transformation and God has seen the depths of my heart and I am truly ever grateful for this miracle in my life! I wish to proclaim His goodness all the days of my life in the way that I live it! Thank you for being a part of this significant chapter in my life, DZFE98.7!
I wanted to visit the station and give a little token of appreciation but I saw in your website that appointments were to be requested so I thought I will just send this email. I still hope I can meet the people behind this station and personally express my gratitude as it is the least I can do. Looking forward to a positive response! Again, thank you very much!”