Before you begin your Christmas shopping, I'd like to share a story with you about a man named Kim - an electrician, married with four children residing in a restricted country in South East Asia. In 1998 a pastor shared his testimony with him and gave him an FEBC radio. He said "Listen to grow in your faith." Kim listened to the radio every day and grew a deep understanding for Jesus. That same year he was baptised and made a clear decision to follow Jesus.
In 2015 Kim was imprisoned on false accusations for stealing land. "It was a very difficult time when I was imprisoned. I lost all hope. So I began praying a lot." Throughout his prayers, Kim heard the Lord's voice:
"I have sent you here to bring the Good News to all prisoners."
With permission from the prison Warden, Kim asked his wife to send him some Bibles. He began to share the Word with a few people each day. None of the prisoners had ever heard of Jesus before. Eventually, there was a large group worshiping and praying daily. The prison Warden did not like this and Kim was forced to crawl five laps around the prison in front of everyone.
"It was a very painful punishment, but I looked up to the Cross. I am happy to have suffered for my faith. Jesus had called me to serve and I forgave the Warden who forced me to crawl. God had a plan for me in prison."
Without drawing attention to the Warden, Kim wanted to begin training the prisoners to serve the Lord more deeply, so he asked his wife to bring him a radio. The group began listening to FEBC daily and worshiped Jesus through FEBC radio broadcasts. When Kim was released he left the radio with another prisoner, so he and the others could continue to listen and share Jesus with others.
Kim shares with a smile, "while they listen to the radio in prison, I listen at home. So in a way we are still listening together."
Through a single radio, one man was able to share Jesus with over 100 prisoners
FEBC is serving people through broadcasts and programs that reaches all places and all people, even in the darkest depths of prisons. What is this Christmas you could give and receive gifts that gave hope and love to thousands of people globally? A gift that meant something special to your family and friends, but also saved a woman from a life a slavery, sent a child living in poverty to summer camp or contributed to building new stations so the messages we share keep reaching those in need.
Can you picture each of your loved ones receiving gifts that keep on giving?
Through your support, we can share the good news via our radio programs. Our gifts are specifically chosen to meet specific needs. By purchasing from our Gift Catalogue, you will be making a direct impact and difference to the lives of men, women and children just like Kim.
On behalf of the team at FEBC Australia, we would like to take this opportunity to extend our warmest Christmas blessings to you and your families this year. May this season be filled with wonderful moments shared with those you love and cherish.