These are the words of Kairat, a 38-year-old Muslim man in Central Asia. He emailed FEBC after the radio broadcast he heard for the first time stopped him in his tracks.
“I have a good business and a good family. But your broadcast opened my eyes to my problem. I grew up in a poor family. My father was an alcoholic, and due to his drinking, we all suffered.
My shame meant I always had to prove myself and I would have everything I wanted. I achieved my goals, but I was still unhappy.

Then I listened to your broadcast and heard this verse: “No one ever spoke the way this man does” (John 7:46).
It hit me! I was missing love, more than wealth. And true love is in God. Now I allow God’s love to fill me so that I can love and serve others.”
Testimonies like these are multiplying as God powerfully uses FEBC Kyrgyzstan to provide hope and life-filled broadcasts to the people.
However, great wisdom and prayer are still needed for this Central Asian country as its political situation remains fragile.
In the last issue of Skywaves, we shared an urgent request for prayer for the unrest and protests by thousands of Kyrgyz people against the then-corrupt elections. Your prayers were answered, our teams were kept safe, and a peaceful interim solution was found. The people of Kyrgyzstan are still reeling under economic pressure, exacerbated by the pandemic and our prayers for the upcoming election, leadership, and democracy are vital.(Election is scheduled for January 10, 2021)
Janysh sharing the view from the ‘summit’. His hard work is complete, to bring the gospel of Christ to over one million Kyrgyzstan listeners in the city of Osh and beyond.

Yet, their greatest need as found by Kairat, is what will ultimately lead to transformation and renewed hope. It is here, together we are making a difference.
We are pleased to announce that Kyrgyzstan’s 6th and newest station OK FM 88.4 is now on-air in the city of Osh. With a population of 5.5 million, comprising 75 per cent Muslim and less than one per cent Christian – it is the second largest city in the country.
It has been a long and arduous road for Janysh and the team to launch this new station. Even with the inability to travel, COVID-19 lockdowns, and escalating operating expenses, they have finally fulfilled a local vision to cover this nation and fill hearts with even more life-giving broadcasting.
At a time when the people of Kyrgyzstan need to hear hope and good news more than ever before, OK FM is reaching millions of Muslim households with the gospel.
In collaboration with the launching of the new station, more than 500 radios with pre-tuned FM frequencies available in Kyrgyzstan were distributed within the community.
Radio is reaching into households that have no previous Christian connections, and the Word of God is stopping people in their tracks, bringing conviction, joy, peace, and change! Please pray for many to tune in and experience the love of God, unlike anything they have encountered before.