Dear friends,
There’s been a lot of talk recently about freedom. People want the freedom to choose, to go places, to live as desired. The Ukraine war has also highlighted how fragile this freedom is.
But freedom for me, as a Christian, means something else.
As I look to Easter’s cross and empty tomb, my heart is filled with gratitude for the freedom that Jesus so graciously purchased for us.
Jesus’ death freed us from bondage to sin, and His resurrection freed us from eternal death. “It is finished.” (John 19:30) The debt of sin has been paid, the victory over death won. Because of Jesus’ sacrifice, we can be free to live abundant lives.
This abundant life isn’t characterised by wealth, power, or external freedoms. Rather, it’s a life lived purposefully and joyfully regardless of circumstances; a life free to love others without the sting of fear of rejection, because we are loved.
We see this freedom so lived out by our colleagues in Ukraine. Despite being under the threat of attacks and living in bomb shelters, they live free from the fear of death.
Jesus gave us true freedom.
The world celebrates Women’s Day on 8 March. Our hearts break for the Ukrainian women having to leave their husbands to fend for the country. We pray for them and their children. We also remember the thousands of women across the world, who, like Biblical times are marginalised in society.
We are very grateful to be able to partner with God to birth the freedom in Christ in these women through on-air and off-air programs. Women have been liberated from trauma, domestic violence, and lower social statuses.
Through Bible teaching and broadcasts, even prisoners were freed from oppressive worldviews into joyous purposeful lives despite being still in prison. Even amid persecution in the case of one of our Kyrgyzstan staff, there is joyous freedom.
The truth of Jesus Christ sets people free.
All these are only possible because of your support in finances and prayer that have been so freely and faithfully given. For those who have given through bequests, their giving has continued to resurrect hope and bring forth new life. Their legacy, and yours, can live on.
In His Service
Kevin Keegan
National Director, FEBC Australia