‘Krusa’ means ‘family’ in the Khmer language. This is the name of FEBC Cambodia’s FM channel, whilst its shortwave broadcast is named ‘Voice of Love’. The names aptly express how FEBC Cambodia sees listeners as family and invites all into God’s loving family.
To a nation full of orphans, the longing for family runs deep. Many Cambodians were orphaned by the Pol Pot regime. Today, far too many children are forcibly separated from their families and placed in lucrative voluntourism-friendly orphanages, or worse, trafficked. Krusa FM's invitation to family is a river of life to parched, lonely hearts.
Auntie Phon is one recipient.

Auntie Phon listening to Krusa FM.
“My name is Vanny. I live in Phnom Penh City. I am an orphan from the Pol Pot regime. I was staying alone. Out of pity, my foster mother took care of me. Sometimes life is hard. I am blamed for some things and face discouragement.
Every time I go to the market, I go through the church and want to join them. One day I decided to ask permission to go to church. My mother said yes. Encouraged by the warmth of the people and the service, I grew to know God and received Jesus as my Saviour. The church encouraged me to listen to Krusa FM.
When my foster mother started to persecute me and stopped allowing me to go to church, I continued to listen to Krusa FM. One day my foster mother cut me off and sent me away. With tears in my eyes, I thanked her for everything and for providing for me.
My heart was broken. Krusa FM showed me kindness and encouraged me. I started to trust in God’s plan. Trusting in God gives me joy, strength, and hope. Thank you Krusa FM.”
To prevent more people from experiencing fatherlessness, ‘family’ has been a central theme in Krusa FM’s on-air and off-air programs. Each month, the team takes its family seminar to a different province. Topics include pre-marriage and post-marriage values and raising children in a positive way. Families have been saved and strengthened.
“Two months after marriage I went to South Korea for work. Because I live far from my wife and son, we have many problems, especially in the areas of family relationships and trust for each other. I felt discouraged every day. But one day I saw Krusa FM broadcasting the program called ‘Strengthening Family’ through Facebook Live. Hearing what the speaker said relieved me of my troubled heart and encouraged me. Krusa FM has shown me the key to keeping my family relationship strong till now.” – Yeourn Savith, Preyveng Province, Cambodia
Click here to access Krusa FM's Facebook page.
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