In Soamvati's rural village, financial hardships and alcoholism plague the community. Inspired by a radio program broadcast by FEBC Australia’s Partner, Soamvati formed a Self-Help Group (SHG) with 12 women, saving money collectively and providing low-interest loans for small businesses.
This initiative inspired others, like Mrs. Rita and Laxmi, to form their own SHGs under her mentorship. These groups addressed medical expenses,
education, and household needs, also supporting families affected by
Empowered by Kingdom values, the SHG’s transformed the community,
fostering unity and resilience. The women are grateful to the radio program,
and have now become symbols of hope and positive change.
Please join us in prayer for the millions who face poverty, alcoholism and other addictions. With your unwavering support, we will continue to share the life-changing message of Christ through media, bringing freedom to individuals and their families.
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