In Indonesia, children are increasingly getting addicted to online digital media, and attention spans are getting shorter. But FEBC Indonesia is bucking the trend by teaching children to spend time with God through its BDKA program.
Using videos, the BDKA, which, when expanded in Bahasa Indonesia means ‘Adventure in the Kingdom of God’ program shares about God and takes children through the Bible systematically. Teachers are also given a method to help children have quiet time with God before the lesson starts.
Helping Children Know and Focus on Jesus
The program helps children develop a love of reading God’s Word regularly and develop a personal relationship with Jesus. Age-appropriate content is available for preschoolers onwards, in schools, churches, and orphanages. Many children are hearing the Gospel for the first time and want more!
The program has exploded in popularity. Just a year ago, the team produced 40 videos and reached children in fewer than 10 schools. Now, the team has 480 videos for children across 28 locations in Indonesia. The material is also soon to be incorporated into the regular school curriculum in both private and public schools in South Sulawesi! Praise God for the increase!
Raising Up ‘Child Encouragers’
And Jesus is drawing the children unto Himself:
“I can get to know the Lord Jesus more deeply, and I want to obey and listen to what the Lord Jesus has to say through reading the Bible and praying every day.” – student in South Sulawesi
“After attending BDKA, I like to read the Bible every day and learn to obey God.” – student in Tangerang
“The children become enthusiastic to meditate on God’s Word with new method. (BDKA)” – teacher in Makassar
This Christmas, FEBC Indonesia is bringing the program to 1000 children in South Sulawesi. For the first time, they are also equipping children to be ‘Child Encouragers’. They will accompany other children to read the Bible daily, igniting them in their faith!
Child Protection
Apart from BDKA, FEBC Indonesia runs a Family and Children project that helps protect children, especially in communities where child abuse and trafficking are of great concern.

FEBC Indonesia’s Heartline Radio won the top five child-friendly radio stations in the country.
Webinars and online courses on parenting, daily radio programs for parents, children, and youth, and physical conferences and counselling sessions reach a potential audience of 10 million. The radio station recently won the top five child-friendly radio stations in Indonesia!
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