Let the Little Children Go to Him

When it comes to Christmas, children have the biggest smiles. It’s presents and more presents! Yet the biggest gift one can ever receive lay in the manger, wrapped in cloth, that joyous night when Christ was born. Jesus was God’s best, given to us that whoever believes will not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16). But how can the children know and believe in Jesus if they have never heard about Him (Romans 10:14)?

“Because of Your Prayers, I saw Jesus Christ”

Afia* reaches out to her scalp. The itch is unbearable, but so is the sting from the open wound on her head. The Afghan widow, mother of two and refugee in Indonesia, whose husband was killed by the refugees is at the end of the line. There are many Farsi-speaking refugees like Afia whom FEBC Indonesia is reaching out to.