Thailand is home to many people groups. Animistic ethnic groups live in the hilly North whilst Muslim Malays dwell in the South. More than 93%* of the Thai people are Theravada Buddhists. Despite having missionaries for almost 200 years, Christians number less than 1% of the 71 million-strong population. Most think of Christianity as a foreign religion.
Just as Simon obeyed Jesus' direction to cast his nets and in doing so yielded the greatest catch of fish in his life (Luke 5:4-7), FEBC Thailand is heeding Christ's direction to be fishers of men.
Casting the Net Together
Through new initiatives, FEBC Thailand, together with a network of Christian organisations in Thailand is casting the net wide. This time, the collective body has a unified vision for Thailand called ‘Love Thailand 1-1-1’. They are praying for a harvest of one million believers, 10,000 churches, and 10,000 pastors, by 2028.
To help build the Thai Church up for God’s mission, FEBC Thailand started working with other local partners, providing evangelism training and media resources. In 2023, FEBC Thailand’s Director Sumet chaired the combined nationwide Christmas outreach ‘Christmas Give with Love’ campaign.
Churches were encouraged to hold events outside of their buildings, bringing the love of Christ into their communities. FEBC Thailand invited Christian Thai celebrities and influencers together to boldly share their faith online and on-air.
Together, the network of Christian organisations and churches in Thailand reached more than 30,000 underprivileged children and their families across 49 Thai provinces. Many heard the gospel of Jesus Christ for the first time.

Through 'Christmas Give with Love' campaign, participating Thai churches and Christian organisations, including FEBC have brought the love of Christ out of church buildings and into the communtities.
The team and reach increased in 2024. More influencers, more churches (from 205 in 2023 to 330 in 2024), and this time, at least 3,000 volunteers (from 2,170 in 2023).
The Thai people heard about the love of Christ in their own language, through their own people, and in ways they could relate to. Thousands put their trust in Jesus as their personal Lord and Saviour.

The 'Christmas Give with Love' team increased in 2024, with more Thai influencers artistes, volunteers and churches. More children and their families were reached too!
New Fellowship with Jesus, the Almighty God
FEBC Thailand doesn’t just do outreach activities with the local Church and other organisations. The team also shares the Good News on-air on 33 radio stations, online, and in-person through follow-up coversations with listeners. Programs are in Thai, Isaan (for the Northeastern Isaan people), and a Southern dialect.
One popular broadcast addresses the worldview of reincarnation. Putting hope in a next life on earth can incline people towards suicide when faced with suffering and demonic oppression. This Life has an Answer tells of how eternal life is available through Jesus today. Many have found a new life in Christ, including 69-year-old Khun Suwannarat Khittisan^.
Khun Suwannarat’s wife was a Christian. He went to church with her but did not believe in Jesus. He would often find it difficult to stay seated in church and so he waited outside.
When his wife and child passed away, Khun Suwannarat was left on his own. He also lost all contact with every family member.
However, God cares for those who are lonely, as it says in Psalm 68:6, “God sets the lonely in families” and is faithful to draw them to Himself.
In his deep grief and loneliness, Khun Suwannarat longed for Jesus, whom his wife had spoken of. After a few years, he heard about Jesus again through FEBC’s Heart Friend program on the radio. The host talked about matters of the heart, presenting the love and friendship of Jesus for all people. Khun Suwannarat started to listen to the program daily.
Two months went by and one day, he started to feel a spark of hope rising. He quickly called the FEBC team. Khun Suwannarat was so excited about the team’s visit that he woke up at 3 a.m. in anticipation of their arrival. As soon as he laid eyes on them, he blurted out his question in Thai: “Is Jesus really the almighty, powerful God?”
“Yes!” the team resoundingly replied. Khun Suwannarat wept tears of joy and relief. He had been waiting for this answer for a long time.
The team prayed with Khun Suwannarat as he repented of his sins and finally accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour. Khun Suwannarat also received a Bible and an audio Bible on an MP3 player and enrolled in the distance-learning Bible Correspondence Course.
We thank God that anyone who calls on Jesus is saved. He is still the almighty powerful God and enables us to be fishers of men.
* Statistic from DataReportal.
^ Name changed and face blurred to protect the individual.
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