When it comes to Christmas, children have the biggest smiles. It’s presents and more presents! Yet the biggest gift one can ever receive lay in the manger, wrapped in cloth, that joyous night when Christ was born. Jesus was God’s best, given to us that whoever believes will not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16). But how can the children know and believe in Jesus if they have never heard about Him (Romans 10:14)?
FEBC Indonesia has been sharing God’s gift of salvation with children. One project is a series of 40 videos entitled ‘Berpetualang Dalam Kerajaan Allah’ or ‘Adventure in the Kingdom of God’. Children from as young as four in Central Java, Kupang, Kalimantan, East Nusa Tenggarra, and South Sulawesi have learnt more about God. And they love it!

Claire loves the stories on BKDA.
For poor families who are unable to financially support their children in school, FEBC Indonesia is helping with the children’s education. This stops the vulnerable children from being taken to Islamic boarding schools. Known locally as ‘Yaksi’, FEBC Indonesia, as part of the ‘Family and Children’ project, has developed an on-air formal early childhood education program for the poor, as well as a scholarship/school aid program. The educational program also teaches children about biblical values. Through ‘Cahaya Bangsa School’, 50 children who do not have good educational facilities at home or environmental education are supported.
Children also get to go on-air to encourage other children and, in the process, grow their confidence. One program has children sharing their testimonies, helping the younger generation to know God’s gift and their forever friend, Jesus.

‘Children's Dream House’ program and ‘Fair Education’ are broadcast every weekend. Children get to tell stories on-air for children in kindergarten or early childhood.

Together with the Children's Prayer Network in the city every Sunday, children broadcast and testify to positive things for the younger generation. It helps young children to get accustomed to praying and reading the Bible.
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