125,000 Kazakhs live in Mongolia. The famous eagle-hunters call the remote Bayan-Ulgii province in the picturesque western Mongolian Altay home. Some also live in Nalaikh and Erdenet cities. Having fled from Kazakhstan during Soviet rule, they now form 4%* of Mongolia's population.
Sadly, the Kazakh people group is also a part of 98%* of Mongolia’s population who are unreached. Only 0.8%* of the Kazakh people group in Mongolia profess to be Christians. Unlike Mongols, who are largely Buddhists, most Kazakhs follow Islam.
They may be a smaller people group in Mongolia, but they are significant to God, and so to FEBC Mongolia. Dedicated programs in the Kazakh language have been reaching the community.

Kazakhs form one of Mongolia’s 28 unreached people groups.
“Your radio program in Kazakh language changed my life.”
Single mother Gulsaule is a listener.
“I am Kazakh. Now I am 51 years old. I live with my daughter in Nalaikh city. I am a single mother. Several years ago, my husband passed away. Life was hard,” Gulsaule said.
“Before, I had no radio device. Then someone gave me a Galcom radio. I started to listen to your Kazakh language program. While listening to the radio program, my tears usually fall. The worship songs are so beautiful. They tell me how much God loves us.
I heard the declaration about Jesus Christ on the radio program. Then I understood that I had to make decision. I decided to receive Jesus Christ as my Saviour. I cried out to God, ‘O God, I want to receive You as my Lord’. Now I attend a local Christian church with my teenage daughter.
Your radio program in Kazakh language changed my life and my character.”
“My mind has been completely changed”

Kazakhs Jaina and her husband encountered Jesus through FEBC Mongolia’s Kazakh programs.
Jaina, a mother of two, shared her story: “I especially love hearing the testimonies on the Kazakh program. Storytellers share how God helped them. I often deeply think about myself and understand life’s meaningfulness.
Then I went to Kazakh program’s audience meeting. That day I made the most valuable and important decision in all my life. I received Jesus as my Saviour.
Since I believed in Jesus Christ, I have deeper biblical understanding. I understand that God gives His power and ways to overcome difficulties. Looking back, I think that my heart was being prepared to hear the Word of the Lord and to receive Him through the testimonies.
Because of the Kazakh program, my mind has been completely changed.”
Jaina is now in a Kazakh women’s fellowship. Her husband has joined her in listening to the programs and attending a Christian church. "So many Kazakh people like listening to your radio broadcast like our family,” she says.
* Statistics from The Joshua Project.
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