Pakistan has the second-largest Muslim population in the world. FEBC’s partners have been quietly changing mindsets about Christians through their faithful, humble service to the poorest of communities. Like Jesus, they have been reaching out to the lost, the forgotten, the marginalised.
Gospel in Action
Through community radio programs, the team amplifies the voices of the voiceless. The people may be silenced out of fear of the feudal lords, or just resigned. As the team goes into the communities, they hear the heart cries of the people. And they meet their needs.
The team runs free medical camps for women and children who sorely lack the basics. They provide vocational training for women who are denied education. They teach the community to produce community radio programs. They dig water bores so each village can have safe drinking water. They are there when floods occur, bringing critical supplies to villagers. They are still there after the floods and when everyone else has left, cleaning up houses, restoring lives, providing vital training on dengue prevention.

FEBC’s partners Amplifying Voices giving out free medical aid (pictured here) and crisis supplies (cover photo).
FEBC’s partners Amplifying Voices are putting Jesus’ love in action. They are bringing His Gospel to the people. And they have been doing it for so long, people now welcome Christians with a smile.
One lady allowed the team to use her house for sound recording training because she trusted Christians. “We did not feel that a stranger could come into our house and talk to us like this. We felt comfort with you.”
Living Water for Displaced Afghans
One community the team impacted lived in a village in Northern Pakistan. As IDPs (Internationally Displaced Peoples) from Afghanistan, the community does not have access to basic needs. For 40 years, they have lived without electricity, clean drinking water, and proper infrastructure for a healthy life.
When the team brought these needs to light on an FM radio program, one Pakistani lady volunteered her help. The reason for her decision? That the team was Christian.
“I will not trust anyone when it comes to send money. But as because you are Christians, I find that you will lead the well digging. I feel relaxed and happy,” the lady shared.

Bringing clean drinking water to Afghan refugees.
Because the team carried Christ’s heart, for the first time since their displacement someone saw the Afghan community. And for the first time in four decades, they now have clean water to drink.
99% of Pakistan’s population, or 232.4 billion* people, are still unreached. But one village at a time, FEBC’s partners are reaching them with God’s tangible love.
* Statistics from The Joshua Project.
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