One of FEBC’s strengths is having locals share the Gospel to locals in their heart language. For the ethnic people groups in the hills of Southeast Asia, this can be a stretch of faith. But God is exalting the humble and giving the increase.
Saved from Sex Slavery
“I trusted that man who showed compassion and promised me a bright future and good salaried job.” Saachi* shared about her trafficker. How did FEBC’s radio program save the mother of two from a lifetime of sex slavery?
Making Peace on the River
For decades, the Pokomo and Ormas have been fighting for the use of the Tana river in the Tana River County, Kenya. Hate speech, fear and violent killings turned the river of life into a river of death. Then peacemakers stepped in.
Warring for Peace
When the Ukraine war started, neighbouring Moldova found itself with an influx of Ukrainian refugees whom they have warmly welcomed. But the war has rattled the country and FEBC Moldova is combating fear and division with the peace and love of Jesus.