Reaching the Unreached Through the Generations

When Bob Bowman, John Broger, and William Roberts followed God’s lead to start a missionary radio to share Christ to the world, they had one particular country in mind – China, which was closed to missionaries. Hence, Far East Broadcasting Co. (FEBC) was born. Song was one woman who heard the broadcast.

Their very first broadcast was aired from Shanghai. But by 1948, China had closed its doors to foreign missionaries.

Reaching Kazakh Families in Mongolia

125,000 Kazakhs live in Mongolia. Sadly, the Kazakh people group are a part of 98%* of Mongolia’s population who are unreached. They may be a smaller people group in Mongolia, but they are significant to God, and so to FEBC Mongolia. Dedicated programs in the Kazakh language have been reaching the community.

“Because You Are Christian”

Pakistan has the second largest Muslim population in the world. FEBC’s partners have been quietly changing mindsets about Christians through their faithful, humble service to the poorest of communities. Like Jesus, they have been reaching out to the lost, the forgotten, the marginalised.