For the average Indonesian, life is tough. It is a daily struggle to survive. The poverty rate stands at 10.4% of the population or 27.54 million people. This means they cannot afford to spend more than RP 11,000 (AUD 1) a day in rural areas, or RP 19,000 (AUD 1.78) in the city. Women are doubly burdened, doing a full day’s work at a lesser pay rate, and then coming home to more housework and childcare. After all, “dapur, sumur, kasur” or “the kitchen, the well, and the bed” are the women’s traditional place in this patriarchal Muslim society.
With this largest Muslim population in the world, FEBC Indonesia has been sharing the love of Jesus for 53 years. As evangelism is illegal, bible-based value content is broadcasted over 105 radio stations, in addition to seven FEBC community radio FM stations known as the Heartline Network.

FEBC Indonesia broadcasts through 105 radio stations in Indonesia.
The humanitarian arm YASKI Foundation is also actively involved in various social activities such as helping victims of natural disasters, providing business capital assistance for God's servants in remote areas, services for underprivileged street children, and services in mental hospitals.
One recent operation was YAKSI Care for COVID-19. Despite the personal risks of being infected, the team visited many listeners’ households to provide COVID essential items and information. Through selfless love and care from the FEBC Indonesian team, along with words of truth and life, many listeners have become followers of Jesus.

FEBC Indonesia team giving essential items on a home visit.
Testimonies from local mothers:
Single Ibu (mother) S. Metropolianty Parrangan had been jobless, troubled, and lost till she heard FEBC Indonesia’s Heartline Radio program. Now, she realized that others may have everything, but without Jesus we have nothing. For her, it is better to suffer than to lose eternal joy and peace.
Ibu Enyi also encountered God’s love through FEBC.
“Every night I always listen to spiritual programs from Radio Heartline. Last time, I had nerve pain until I couldn’t get out of bed. No one helped me, not even my husband. My husband rarely comes home and has another woman. I live only with my son.
While I was listening to the program, I got the courage to call the counselling team to ask for prayer support for my illness. Praise God, it wasn’t long before there was a change in my illness. I feel better and feel like I have recovered.
I ask for prayer support for struggles, especially for husbands who sometimes don't come home and are less responsible for all family needs. I believe God will open a way.
I was very happy when the team visited my place in my kampung (village) today!
I give thanks to the Lord Jesus that through the Heartline radio ministry, I am strengthened and comforted.”
Watch an Indonesian mother, Salome's testimony:
Click here to access Indonesia's demographics.
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