Frequency Partners Update

Expansion and growth of the Gospel in Kyrgyzstan   On December 14th last year, FEBC received approval for another FM frequency – this time for the city of Naryn. Situated …

Continuing to support the persecuted church

Last year FEBC International received over 2,600,000 letters, SMS, emails and phone calls from people who tuned into FEBC radio broadcasts. One listener in the Middle East wrote: “Thank you …

Group training in India inspires more to follow Jesus

For FEBC, being able to run training events for our broadcasters and programmers is vital. The regular training events we started almost three years ago in India are achieving wonderful …

Tune into hope.. or silence?

This past Christmas will have been the first Christmas for many who did not know Christ before. Reached via one of FEBC’s Christmas gift or emergency radios, these souls will …