New Beginnings & God’s Faithfulness

I am delighted to announce to you today, the appointment of Janet Cousens as our CEO at FEBC Australia. Janet will be stepping into her role in February 2024, and we are grateful to God for His provision and leading.

I thank you our faithful supporters, the Board, and staff who earnestly prayed over the last few months for this outcome. We pray and commit Janet, the team, and our future to God.

We have been strengthened and encouraged throughout this process to know that God has the mission in His hands, and He would bring us the person of His choosing. As Paul encouraged us in Philippians 4:13:

‘I can do all things through him who strengthens me. Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am’.

Janet brings with her an impressive 20-year career spanning the for-purpose and government sectors. Her dedication to mobilising leaders in addressing social injustice, reducing marginalisation, and in building resilient communities aligns perfectly with the mission and vision of FEBC. Janet’s most recent role as CEO of Act for Peace, the international humanitarian agency of the National Council of Churches in Australia, has equipped her with invaluable experience in dealing with inequity, particularly concerning refugees and those affected by forced displacement.

Janet’s academic background in Mass Communication and Social Work, coupled with her experience in TV documentary research and program management, provides Janet with a unique perspective that will be invaluable in driving our mission forward.

As a committed Christian, Janet’s motivation is rooted in her faith and the desire to see people thrive in their vocations. She is passionate about ensuring that all individuals, especially those marginalised by society, are aware of God’s love for them.

I am confident that Janet’s leadership will enhance FEBC’s capacity to share the Good News of Jesus through media, in partnership with our overseas partners.

I welcome Janet to our FEBC family and seek your continued support through prayer for this new journey ahead of us. Janet is eager to listen and engage with you our supporters and in our shared mission – The Great Commission.

Thank you for your continued support and dedication to FEBC Australia. We look forward to an exciting new chapter with Janet at the helm under God.

In prayer and partnership,

Ron Cameron
Chairman of the Board, FEBC Australia

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