Pakistan has the second largest Muslim population in the world. FEBC’s partners have been quietly changing mindsets about Christians through their faithful, humble service to the poorest of communities. Like Jesus, they have been reaching out to the lost, the forgotten, the marginalised.
We May Lose Everything But Jesus
For the average Indonesian, life is tough. It is a daily struggle to survive. Most cannot to afford to spend more than RP 11,000 (AUD 1) a day in rural areas, or RP 19,000 (AUD 1.78) in the city. Women are doubly burdened. But through FEBC, the love of Jesus is freeing many from their heavy yokes.
Harvest Amongst the Reached
Around 16% of South Korea’s population identify as evangelical Christians, but 30% of South Koreans say they are non-religious. FEBC is reaching the unreached among the reached, and even becoming a missionary for the family members of Christians!