World Radio Day is a UNESCO initiative. But for Christian radio and people of faith, this is a chance to celebrate the reach we have through radio in telling people of God’s love.

Why Radio?
Offering Hope to Persecuted Believers
For persecuted believers in Iran where, in churches, all Farsi speaking services are banned or shut down to prevent the Gospel from spreading, FEBC offers Farsi radio programs produced in Indonesia that reach in and offer hope.
Help and hope in a disaster
Our Radio in a Suitcase can be up and broadcasting in 15 minutes. FEBA/FEBC India deployed an emergency response radio team after severe flooding devastated communities and destroyed crops in India.
Offering hope to refugees across the world
FEBC’s work with displaced people in Indonesia demonstrates how radio is capable of reaching out across the world’s growing refugee crisis. Refugees are desperately in need of good news.
A voice that stops violence
Radio goes through walls, reaches places where the promise of Christ needs to be heard. Haryana is a small state in India with a population of 25 million and has the highest rate if violence against women in India.
A voice in crisis
During an emergency, radio can be used to broadcast important, life-saving information about the situation. Media and communications are a core part of helping communities and people in need.
Supporting Communities
Without access to reliable information, communities can be unaware of the support they can access. During an emergency, radio can be used to broadcast important, life-saving information about the situation.