25 December is a public holiday in Pakistan to celebrate the birthday of the country’s founder. While 99% of the country’s population, or more than 237 million* people, may know about Christmas or ‘Barra Din’ (‘Big Day’), they may not know about Jesus as God incarnate. FEBC’s partners in Pakistan are changing that.
Child to Child
In Indonesia, children are increasingly getting addicted to online digital media. But FEBC Indonesia is bucking the trend by teaching children in schools, churches and orphanages to spend time with God in His Word and prayer. And they are raising up children to encourage other children!
Growing in God’s Love
One of FEBC’s strengths is having locals share the Gospel to locals in their heart language. For the ethnic people groups in the hills of Southeast Asia, this can be a stretch of faith. But God is exalting the humble and giving the increase.